Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So I Google this blog on occasion (read: twice so far --- I may be a shameless, obsessive nerd but I am still very lazy), and what did I find but somebody who's put me on their blogroll!

Q-Sputnik is a British grad student doing a dissertation on UK feminism, particularly as manifested in blogs and other grassroots media and organizations. She must have found my blog when I attempted to join The Nectarine's group blog about feminism and mental illness (which I later found out was meant to be UK-only). But I'm on her blogroll and that's awesome!



  1. Hey,
    I am happy that I made you happy and thanks for writing a post about my blog!
    I don't really remember right now how I traced you, could be that you came out of a search about feminist+something.
    Also, I study in the UK but not british at all!

  2. Hi again,
    Just wanted to let you know that I will be reading your blog as part of my research about blogging, feminism, disability/illness. I cannot find an email of yours at the moment, which would be useful if you wouldn't mind me contacting you privately at a later stage, so here is mine: qsputnik[at]hotmail[dot]com

  3. You can contact me at thelittlegreekguy[at]hotmail[dot]com.
