Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Eight Houses

So, I got tagged with a meme by HellOnHairyLegs, and I have to list eight places where I'd like to have a house if I were like a certain presidential candidate and had eight houses.

Here goes:

1. A smallish, passive-solar house in the community my friends and I are planning to start near Hohenwald, TN. We would make it ourselves, pipe in filtered rainwater from cisterns, plant fruit trees and vegetable gardens and keep chickens and sheep. Why Hohenwald? Well, Tennessee has great growing conditions, and is the nursery capital of the world (which is handy for would-be fruit growers). Plus, it's near The Farm.

2. A cabin near the Boundary Waters in Minnesota, because I love canoeing.

3. Anywhere in Alaska, because snow and ice and cold make me ridiculously happy.

4. One of the colorful old Victorian-looking houses in downtown Lawrence, Kansas, because I like Lawrence and have friends there whom I'd conceivably want to visit.

5. Salem, Massachusetts, because Halloween is my favorite holiday and my sister tells me it's a very big deal in Salem. I'd use my backyard to grow pumpkins, and carve a couple dozen or so every year. The rest, I'd learn to cook with. Pumpkin pie for the whole town!

6. A castle on the wide, unsettled plains of North Dakota or Montana. My father and I would build it ourselves, stone by stone.

7. Iowa City, Iowa. I like Iowa a lot, I've got family there, and Iowa City is a pretty cool college town, like Lawrence only with the campus and the cool downtown shopping area next to each other. Plus, the Amana Colonies are nearby, and there's a great chocolate shop there.

8. Portland, Oregon, for the climate and the mass-transit system.

I'm not going to tag anybody, since these things annoy a lot of people, but if anybody wants to answer it, feel free.

Now, the question is: of these eight residences, all in different states, where the heck would I be registered to vote? Could I pick whichever I wanted? If so, I think I'd vote in either Massachusetts or Oregon, since they're probably the most hospitable to my politics. Though Minnesota wouldn't be a bad place either, since they sent Paul Wellstone to the Senate and Keith Ellison to the House.

I'm also going to ignore the logistics of multiple homeownership for a person who doesn't drive. Am I going to walk from Alaska to Tennessee?

Maybe in this fantasy I have an airship of some kind.

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