Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Autiebibliography Part II - Non-Autobiographical Works by Autistic Authors

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a list of books (ongoing as I discover more --- I'll probably never know if it's finished) written by autistic authors which are not autobiographical or explicitly about autism. It includes fiction, non-fiction about all sorts of subjects, poetry and drama.

While I was compiling my list of autistic autobiographies, it occurred to me that I might have been inadvertently feeding one stereotype (autistic people have no imagination; autistic people can only write about themselves) while trying to demolish another (autistic people can't tell their own stories).

That thought, followed by this comment Erika Hammerschmidt left on the other post, wondering if there were (m)any autistic science-fiction writers, convinced me I should make a similar list of fiction, non-autobiographical, non-autism-related nonfiction, poetry that is not explicitly about being autistic, and plays by autistic writers.

Within the fiction category, fantasy and science fiction are both well-represented.

These books are a bit harder to track down, since writers who aren't writing about autism or being autistic don't have as much of a reason to broadcast their autistic status. There also aren't anywhere near as many, or as extensive, already-existing lists of non-autism-related books by autistic authors.

Accordingly, I can't be as certain that this list is anywhere near complete, and will probably be adding to it as I discover more autistic writers.


Will Hadcroft, Anne Droyd and Century Lodge (2002; re-released by Jessica Kingsley Publishers in 2004); Anne Droyd and the House of Shadows (2008)

Coral Hull, Gangsters (2001); The City of Detroit Is Inside Me (2001); Work the Sex (2002)

David Mamet, The Village (1994); Passover (1995); The Old Religion (1997); Wilson: A Consideration of the Sources (2000)

Jane Meyerding, Everywhere House: A Mystery (1994)

Caiseal Mór, The Circle and the Cross - Book One of The Wanderers (1995); The Song of the Earth - Book Two of The Wanderers (1996); The Water of Life - Book Three of The Wanderers (1997); The Tilecutter's Penny (1998); The Harp at Midnight (1999); Carolan's Concerto (1999); The Meeting of the Waters - Book One of The Watchers (2000); The King of Sleep - Book Two of The Watchers (2001); The Raven Game - Book Three of The Watchers (2002); The Well of Yearning - Book One of the Wellspring series (2004); The Well of the Goddess - Book Two of the Wellspring series (2005); The Well of Many Blessings - Book Three of the Wellspring Series (2005); Lady of the Lamp (2007)

Franklin Newman, The Sorceress of Shandigore: Book 1 of the Knights of Callistor (2006); The Princess of Flourae: Book 2 of the Knights of Callistor (2008); The Abjurationess of Rex Terra: Book 3 of the Knights of Callistor (2009); The Prophetess of Bromfryel: Book 4 of the Knights of Callistor (2009)

Dawn Prince-Hughes, Adam (2001)

Will Rogers, The Stonking Steps: A Journey Through ING-ONG-UNG (2004)

Robert S. Sanders, Jr., Mission of the Galactic Salesman (1996); Mission Beyond the Ice Cave: Atlantis-Mexico-Zotola (1999); Heritage Findings from Atlantis (2000); Walking Between Worlds: A Novel of an American in Mexico (2001), written under the name Robert Alquzok; Galactic Salesman Trilogy Synopsis (2003)

Gilles Tréhin, Urville (2006)

Ryan Wilson, The Legendary Blobshocker (1999)


Temple Grandin, Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals (1998); Animal Welfare and Meat Science (1999); Livestock Handling and Transport (2000); Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior (2005); Humane Livestock Handling: Understanding Livestock Behavior and Building Facilities for Healthier Animals (2008); Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals (2009); Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach (2010)

David Mamet, Chicago Performs: A Guide to Theatre and Dance (1977); Writing in Restaurants (1987); Some Freaks (1989); On Directing Film (1991); Make Believe Town: Essays and Remembrances (1996); True and False: Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor (1997); Three Uses of the Knife: On the Nature and Purpose of Drama (1998); On Acting (1999); Jafsie and John Henry: Essays (1999); Directions: South of the Northeast Kingdom (2002); The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-Hatred, and the Jews (2006); Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose and Practice of the Movie Business (2007); Theatre (2010)

Jane Meyerding, We Are All Part of One Another: A Barbara Deming Reader (1984)

Caiseal Mór, Scratches in the Margin: Wisdom from the Celtic Tradition (1996); The Moon on the Lake: The Renaissance of the Celtic Spirit (1997); What Is Magic? How to Get What You Want without Losing Your Soul (2009)

Dawn Prince-Hughes, The Archetype of the Ape-Man: The Phenomenological Archaeology of a Relic Hominid Ancestor (2000); Gorillas Among Us: A Primate Ethnographer's Book of Days (2001)

Robert S. Sanders, Jr., Dr. Seat Belt: The Life of Robert S. Sanders, M.D.: Pioneer in Child Passenger Safety (2008)

Vernon L. Smith, Investment and Production: A Study in the Theory of the Capital-Using Enterprise (1961); Research in Experimental Economics (1982); Papers in Experimental Economics (1991); Bargaining and Market Behavior: Essays in Experimental Economics (2000); Rationality in Economics: Constructivist and Ecological Forms (2008)

William Stillman and Jay Scarfone, The Wizard of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History (1989, with John Fricke); The Wizard of Oz Collector's Treasury (1992, with Tim McGowan); The Wizard of Oz: The Film Classic Comes to Life with Sound and Stunning Three-Dimension (2000); The Wizardry of Oz: The Artistry and Magic of the 1939 MGM Classic - Revised and Expanded Edition (2004)

Mary Margaret Britton Yearwood, In Their Hearts: Inspirational Alzheimer's Stories (2003)


Coral Hull, Broken Land (1997); How Do Detectives Make Love? (1998); Zoo (2000, with John Kinsella); Bestiary (2002)


Anemone Cerridwen, Jock the Unicorn; SARsquatch; True Confessions of an Alien Groupie; Farmer's Son; Susannah of the Mounties --- these are all screenplays, I don't *think* any have been made into movies yet, and I don't know when she wrote any of them. Some of them --- Jock the Unicorn and True Confessions of an Alien Groupie --- are being serialized on Anemone's film blog, Genius with a Parachute

David Mamet, Lakeboat (1970); The Duck Variations (1972); Lone Canoe (1972); Sexual Perversity in Chicago (1974); Squirrels (1974); American Buffalo (1975); Reunion (1976); The Water Engine (1976); A Life in the Theatre (1977); Revenge of the Space Pandas (1978); The Woods (1979); The Blue Hour (1979); The Postman Always Rings Twice (screenplay, 1980); The Verdict (screenplay, 1981); Edmond (1982); The Frog Prince (1983); Glengarry Glen Ross (1984); The Shawl (1985); Vint (1986); The Untouchables (screenplay, 1986); We're No Angels (screenplay, 1987); Things Change (screenplay, 1987); Speed-the-Plow (1988); Bobby Gould in Hell (1989); Oleanna (1992); The Cryptogram (1995); The Old Neighborhood (1997); Boston Marriage (1999); Romance (2005); The Voysey Inheritance (2005); Faustus (2006); Keep Your Pantheon (2007); November (2007); The Vikings and Darwin (2008); Race (2009)


  1. Wow, this is quite a list here of fiction by autistic authors! Are you also going to have a list of these on the sidebar, like you do for other categories of fiction?

  2. Here is another book by an autistic author in case you want to add it. It is called, "Tech Tactics Money Saving Secrets." This book is published by a person with classic autism.
