Saturday, June 4, 2011

Link Roundup

Here's a bunch of stuff I've read that I think my readers --- or, at least, various subsets of my readers --- might like:

Neuroskeptic on the murky relationship between genes and mental illness

A couple of posts --- one from Peter Daou and the other from David Roberts, writing for Grist --- on climate-change denialism

Environmentalist Bill McKibben (author of Deep Economy and Eaarth) writing for the Guardian's Comment Is Free about Barack Obama's environmental policies

Leah Jane at her new blog, nominatissima, on children's rights, why she doesn't see a conflict between being pro-choice and also pro-disability rights, and two posts on sex and romance for autistic people

Amanda Baggs (whose blog has also moved) on animal consciousness

Urocyon on eating disorders, food, gaslighting, colonialism (including a four-part series deconstructing the concept of race based on skin color and a link to this post at Womanist Musings), and how learning about her disabilities has helped her stop thinking of herself as incompetent and weak

Finally, on a blog I just discovered called Sasha Said, two posts on rape, a post on "Poverty in America and the Emerging Slave Class," and a wonderful, eye-opening post on "What Children Learn When They Don't Learn About Patriarchy" --- how children learn to account for male dominance of society when they're being told that men and women have equal rights.

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, you are brilliant. Thanks for visiting my blog (Marinagraphy) and for commenting. I followed you here, and so glad I did. Do you have a subscription button? I did the google follow, but I need your stuff in my email.

    Also, I write for and now coordinate the Her Circle Ezine InContext section online, and part of my job is to find guest bloggers. I saw that you wrote on Gilman's Herland, and was wondering if you were interested in contributing an essay -- doesn't have to be long. Let me know. Here's link to my last post and the actual site: Let me know if you're interested or have any questions.
