Monday, September 20, 2010

Post #200!

Right now, this is the 200th post on this blog, though that will probably change once I finish up some very old posts in the draft queue --- some of which I'll want to keep backdated so that they will appear in chronological order as part of a series.

There's also another milestone I passed recently: this blog is now a little over three years old.

Two hundred posts over three years means I average about a post a week, with two every third week. Given how long it's taken me to write posts lately, that sounds incredible.


  1. Congratulations Lindsay - looking forward to the next 200 posts! :-)

  2. This is official notification of the Versatile Blogger Award. Please see my blog for details and requirements. ;-)

  3. HAPPY 200th POST!!!! Wishing you many many more!
