It begins with the waitress trying to serve drinks to Jason Wyngarde, who leers at her in a particularly unsettling manner: 

(If you can't read the text, the topmost inset panel shows a scary-looking guy in Victorian garb staring at the body of a young woman wearing black lingerie and thigh-high boots, thinking: "How vulnerable and exposed she is. And the way she allows me to just openly stare at her! It's so base it embarrasses me!" The girl speaks to him, saying, "Will there be anything else, Mr. Wyngarde?" When he doesn't answer, she keeps trying: "Sir? Sir?" but still can't wrest any acknowledgement from him.)
Shaken, the waitress retreats to the women's dressing room, where she bumps into Emma Frost, who is changing into her uniform. The waitress starts to talk to Emma about Wyngarde, hoping to find an empathetic listener in another woman:

(Dialogue balloons say: "Oh, Miss Frost! Don't you just hate wearing these outfits?")

This other woman being Emma Frost, however, no such consolation is forthcoming.

("... But it's really about personal domination. My clothes are my battle armor! I dress to go to war! My looks and body are weapons on par with a man's fists.")

("There is no such thing as sexism, unless you give them that power!")
To illustrate her highly personalized philosophy of female empowerment, Emma Frost sallies forth to confront the man whose churlish behavior inspired the whole discussion. She sits down opposite him, placing herself in the position of an equal, a competitor, rather than a servant, and plays a brutal, high-stakes game of psychic chess with him.

Reminds me a bit of some Ayn Rand female characters, like Dominique Francon (The fountainhead and Dagny Taggart (Atlas Shrugged).
Ooooh wow!
And it isn't cheesy simplistic straw-feminism either.
I absolutely love how you described the comic and I'm so going to try it in that style as well when discussing comics next time. With my last comic post I was so torn whether I should do a "transcript" or an image description and wondered how that could work for people who can't see the comic, especially when it's a funny one where the humour is in the drawings and not only in the words.
But you showed that it's possible to convey what's being said between the lines.
I used to buy this title, but don't remember this particular issue. Good story. Now if only this sensibility had carried over to the main stories.
Interesting point of view.
I have a slightly OT question. Gate to Women's Country drove me up a tree, but tons of people say it's really feminist. But to me it seemed to have been-
Negatively stereotyping men
The women wanted to create more servitors, but it seemed like they didn't get any sex, but had all of the babies. How was that fair? If I was in that book, I wouldn't have anything to do with those stupid warriors. I would have run off with the servitor dudes as they seem cooler.
Also they cured homosexuality. Which irritated me.
What is your take on this book? Perhaps I hated it because of bias on my part.
Thanks for this great post! I'm new reader of your blog ;)
@Chromesthesia - your question is actually a lot less OT than it seems! I've got a post on all of Sheri S. Tepper's books that I've read so far (because I've noticed they all deal with more or less the same cluster of themes, so to me it makes sense to discuss them all at once), of which Gate to Women's Country is one.
I don't remember any mention of "curing" homosexuality --- maybe I should reread it, because it's been a couple years. If that is in there, yes, that is annoying.
I liked the book overall, though, and definitely thought it feminist/egalitarian in outlook.
I did *NOT*, at all, get the impression that Women's Country was meant to be a matriarchy, with women ruling over a docile servant caste of men --- rather, it seemed to me that the relatively few nonaggressive men, the "servitors" who chose to stay in Women's Country, lived more or less on equal terms with the women, and were respected and listened to in city councils.
But you are right that the big twist at the end was that the women are trying to breed out male aggression and dominance; they have sex with both soldiers and servitors, but (usually) used contraception whenever they slept with a soldier. So that, as the generations go on, a greater and greater proportion of boy-children born would be able to live as peaceful members of Women's Country.
(In other of Tepper's books, it becomes clearer that she does know about, and greatly value, men who are gentle and respectful of women. There are usually a few good male characters in each of her books --- I think Women's Country is the one where the gender divide is starkest).
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